Will County Clerk Candidate is a Felon

Your Democrat nominee Lauren Staley Ferry has committed a felony and also hasn't the time to return to the company she stole money from.If you as a voter and/or concerned citizen are as worried as we are please vote for the other candidate. For those who do not have the awareness that Ferry had taken a check from a former employer and made it out

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Will County Clerk Candidate is a Criminal

The Democrat nominee Lauren Staley Ferry has committed a felony and has not the time to actually return to the small business she stole money from.As a voter and concerned citizen, I am sure you are as concerned as we are and ask you to vote for another candidate. For those who do not have the awareness that Ferry had taken a check from her place

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Will County Clerk Candidate is a Embezzler

Your Democratic candidate Lauren Staley-Ferry committed a felony and hasn't even taken the time to actually pay back the company she stole money from.As a voter and concerned citizen, I am sure you are as concerned as we are and ask you to vote for another candidate. For those who do not have the insight that Ferry had stolen a check from a former

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Felon Lauren Staley-Ferry Runs For Will County Clerk

Your Democrat nominee Lauren Staley-Ferry committed a criminal offense and also hasn't the time to actually pay back the small business she had stolen from.As a voter and concerned citizen, I believe you are as concerned as we are and ask you to vote for another candidate. For those who do not have the awareness that Ferry had taken a check from a

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